

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dr. Pepper Pork Chops

GAH!! I've been slacking!! I haven't done any blog posts or even read any blogs in a week! 
I think I may have to change that though! 

A few weeks ago, I looked up this recipe that was called coca cola pork chops and man were they GOOD!! All it had was a can of cola and ketchup. So tonight, I decided to make that but with a different soda.

Dr. Pepper Pork Chops

  Ingredients: 1 Cup - Ketchup
                     1 Can - Dr. Pepper
                    2-3 TBSP- A1 sauce (Optional)
                     1/2 Onion (diced)
                     Pork Chops (I cooked 4, considering it was just my fiance and I)

 First, I browned the pork chops (fried). I didn't fully cook the meat though. In a separate bowl, I combined all the ingredients and I stirred. 
                                                    (combined ingredients in a bowl) 

I then put it in the pan where my pork chops were frying in. Let dinner simmer for about 30 mins or longer (I forgot).

The meat was so tendered Mmmmm It was good! 
                                                          I ate the pork chops with rice

                                                              It's a pretty simple meal!


Monday, December 9, 2013


I have been taking fertilaid for a whole month and decided it was time to do a review on it!

Okay, so let me rewind for a bit... I was 12 years old when I had my first period (ahh womanhood) and after that I had a few periods... but then it stopped. So growing up I didn't get my "womanhood" but when I turned 19 I decided that I was going to get checked out (throughout the years, I was scared to find out anything. Plus, I was shy). Well, My gynecologist put me on birth control and alas periods were back on!
A few months ago I met the man of my dreams (which is another story :) and we talked about someday having children. So, since I knew that if I took myself off of birth control, I won't get my periods. I started to do some research online about the reproductive system  and I came across fertilaid. I read some pretty good reviews on it and decided why not?

I'm actually not trying to get pregnant, I'm not preventing it either basically, if it happens it happens. I'm actually taking fertilaid to see if it will help me get my period without the use of birth control and so far... It hasn't done anything. So that kind of sucks. But to give it more credit, it did say on the website to at least give it three months. So that's why I bought my second one (which, I'm currently on)

Pros -It's a vitamin, so I feel more healthier.

Cons -  Taking it three times a day, Cramps, mild headaches, and Gassy (that might just be me haha)

Anyways, the website is: http://www.fairhavenhealth.com/


Friday, December 6, 2013

Snowed in!!

"Let it snow, let it snow let it snow!!!"

Just a few days ago it was spring weather (well, not literally but it was nice for December)! Well, that's Missouri weather for ya. I'm snowed in :(  tried to go to work today, but in order to get to the main highway I have to go up THREE hills! First, hill... I made it. Second, also made it. Third, Nope not gonna happen. So, I drove back. Driving down the hill was a mistake! My car kept going! I started to freak out as my car was turning right on it's own! Finally, it stopped right before it hit a pole! All this took place at my apartment's drive-way!!

What better way to spend the snowed-in day than to watch movies on netflix and eat some Carmel marshmallow popcorn with the fiance! 

                       1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup of butter and some marshmallows (about a cup)
 Melted the butter and brown sugar first (In the microwave) and then put the marshmallows in and put it in the microwave again. All together it was in there for about 2 mins. Then I stirred it up!
...And that's it! It was so good! But I couldn't eat all of it (Watching the waistline here!).

                                                        Hill numero uno!

So since I'm snowed in... better make the best of it!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's about time..

I have always wanted to blog. The only question is: What am I going to write about? I mean, my life is pretty boring. I work, go to the gym, cook dinner, do my online studies, and just stay home with the fiance. What's there to talk about? So as I looked up and read many blogs, a lot of the blogs I was interested in reading was the 'boring' life. I love style, I love cooking, I love reading about life (maybe because mine is so boring! haha) , DIY's, and honestly, pretty much random things! Then I thought "I'm going to actually do this!" Those are the things I'm going to write about, things that interest me. So it's take off!

Hope you stick around!

Oh, and please if you have a blog or a youtube channel feel free to leave me a link. I'd love to check it out!

<3 Kaye